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Counselling Service
Counselling at Yorkshire Fertility:
Going through Fertility treatment can have an emotional impact and we know how important it is to have support available when its needed.
Here at Yorkshire Fertility, we offer counselling support for anyone at any point in their fertility journey. Our counsellor can give you the time and space you need to explore these emotions in a safe and non-judgemental environment at a time when you may need some emotional support.
Our counsellor at Yorkshire Fertility is Tracey.
Appointments to see Tracey are available Monday and Tuesday. Late appointments are available on the last Monday of each month by telephone.
Tracey offers face to face sessions as well as telephone sessions.*. Counselling sessions are offered to both individuals and couples.
To book an appointment or for more information on the counselling service contact Yorkshire Fertility on 01422 261344.
*Implications counselling sessions are face to face only and a requirement of treatment.
Counselling service feedback is welcomed. Please click the link to complete the the patient survey.

Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to see the counsellor?
It is not a requirement that you see a counsellor for support. It is your choice whether you would like to use this service.
How long does counselling take?
All counselling sessions are offered at 60 minutes per session.
The counsellor will make direct contact and arrange her own appointments.The number and timing of appointments will be arranged between the client and counsellor within the constraints of the service.
What is counselling?
Counselling is a safe and confidential space that allows you the opportunity to explore issues that may come up in your fertility journey. It is non-judgemental and allows you the freedom to work through different emotions and thoughts with a trained professional, offering impartial support.
All Counselling is confidential between yourself and the counsellor.
A breach in confidentiality would occur if the counsellor feels there is any harm to yourself or anyone else or if it may effect your treatment. Where possible the counsellor would discuss this with you first.
When can I ask for counselling?
You can request to see the counsellor at any time during your fertility journey with us. Our staff can make arrangements for you to see our counsellor or you can ring Yorkshire Fertility to book an appointment at your own convenience.
Does it cost me anything?
You are entitled to 2 free counselling sessions for every cycle you have with us. Any other counselling sessions after that are at a charge of £50 per session. There is no limit to how many sessions you may have.
Implications counselling sessions are at a cost of £50. This will be deducted from your full treatment payment if you go ahead with treatment with us here at Yorkshire Fertility.