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The Annual IVF Party

Party Time

Prior to COVID, each year around Easter time Yorkshire Fertility come together to hold a party for all patients who have gone through a successful cycle of assisted conception. This is a great way of celebrating our success together with our patients and their families. It is always a great turn out with many patients wishing to come and introduce their children to the staff in a non-clinical environment. 

"The unique camaraderie between our staff and patients means this event is always very popular. We are very proud of our reputation and the fact parents continue to come to us to help them become families and it is always a pleasure for us to see them again. We now have such a wide range of specialist knowledge in all areas which puts patients at ease and reduces stress when they are going through difficult times. This party is a celebration for them and us and a highlight of our year.” 

Clinical Lead Nurse - Helen Marvell

We hope as a unit to be able to set these events back up in the future.